Vanguard Hop Plant
Vanguard Hop Plant
Bare Root
Key Flavours
Key Flavours
Variety Information
Variety Information
- Origin: United States
- Primary Use: Aroma
- Height: Tall
- Group:None
- Also Known As:
- Flavour Description:
- Beer Style Guide: Porter, Cream Ale, Lager, Rye Ale, Amber Ale, Belgian Ale, French Ale
Growing Information
Growing Information
- Season Maturity: Early Season
- Ease of Harvest: Difficult
- Typical Yield: 1300-1700 kg/hectare
- Wilt Sensitivity: Unknown
- Powdery Mildew Resistance: Unknown
- Downy Mildew Resistance: Resistant
- Hop Mosaic Virus Sensitivity: Unknown
Bare root hop plants are available from late November until early April. Dates will vary depending on the weather and ground conditions however, we hope to start lifting from the field by November 1st.
The best time to transplant hop plants lies during this period whilst the plant is dormant.
Plants in 2 Litre pots are available from May until September.
Free shipping on all UK orders over £30. If you are interested in placing an order for overseas, please enquire by clicking here.
Vanguard hops possess a unique acid profile. They feature a somewhat rare balance of low alpha acid and high beta acid and an oil profile dominated by high levels of humulene and yet very low levels of cohumulone.
Despite exhibiting some similarities to Hallertau Mittelfrüh, surely as a result of their close lineage, this unusual profile gives Vanguard a pronounced woody and herbal character atop a definitive spiciness. The spicy quality is suggested to be particularly evident when Vanguard is used as an early addition.
Vanguard was the final Hallertau-derived variety to come out of the USDA’s hop breeding program and were released to the brewing world in 1997 after a long 15 years of development and testing. They are grown principally in the US and are considered great for adding a European-style aroma component to German-style beers.